シャトー パプ クレマン ブラン 2019 Chateau Pape Clement Blanc フランス ボルドー 白ワイン
シャトー パプ クレマン ブラン 2019 Chateau Pape Clement Blanc フランス ボルドー 白ワイン ショップ:KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
価格:19,800 円
91点予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2031Bursting with aromas of grapefruit, gooseberry, tropical fruits and fresh bread, Pape Clément's 2019 Blanc is medium to full-bodied, bright and vibrant, its elegantly fleshy core of fruit animated by lively acids and chalky dry extract that lends pleasing grip to the finish. This is a seamless, refreshing Sauvignon-dominated (in percentage as well as personality) blend that is drinking well out of the gates. Though this derives from a warm terroir in a warm vintage, that's not especially evident, and this is far less unctuous and overtly oaky than was the case a decade ago. Equally, though it can't be faulted in terms of haut couture winemaking, the lack of yesteryear's pronounced signature reveals a wine that's just a little simple.(The Wine Advocate, Apr 08, 2022)
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